Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thank you, Life...

It's been more than a year now since i left the Philippines to find better luck and greater opportunity here in Denmark. I may had ups and downs, glories and struggles, but one thing's for sure: i had a wonderful time wandering and living here. My life was rejuvenated from the first day i stepped into this beautiful land. My life, somehow, took a turn from everything-else-failed mentality to there's-always-another-chance mindset. I'm close to giving up fixing my terrible past life (except the love life, 'cause the past was very good, i just blew it.), having a hard time squeezing everything to make up for the time lost. Each passing days, it feels like that i wanted to give up, and i did grew tired, eventually --- the past ME. The selfish, prideful Me. Leaving my mother country for a foreign land was a complete gamble for me. But, this is something that can be seen as the "stroke that broke the camel's back". What i mean is, in just one snap, my life suddenly had the greatest turnaround that i ever experienced, from the day i set foot here. Little do i know that there's already something happening that started the inevitable: Finding myself back in the arms of God. He guided me to go back to the life i once had. My day of redemption came.

Things did not really went the way i planned it. It also has been a rocky-road adventure. But, the thing is, it made me more mature and looked at life in a different perspective. I cannot say it was very spectacular, but i know, it's something worthwhile and gave a lot of lessons in life. I gained God's glory once again, gained new friends and learned new things. I'm praying to continue and maintain my relationship with God --- this time, for good. No turning back, always looking forward.

To be given a chance to live in a foreign soil, can already be called a privilege. So, for me, it is a great privilege for me stay here, even though it's on a limited basis. Denmark played a very big role in altering my life. I quite had a major reconstruction of myself. I've adjusted very well to the lifestyle and culture that they have here. I'm also surrounded by my new found friends, friends that was given to me by God. They've been there all the time, good times and in bad. I just feel sad that i'm leaving them behind, but, emotionally and spiritually, we will forever be attached to one another. I never shared the same bonding to anyone before, like what we had here. What makes it more unique is, that we have different nationalities, so we have different things to offer. We learned each others traits, cultures and knowledges. I'll forever cherish the time i spent with them. We may or may not see each other again physically, but, by faith, our lives will always be together through the eyes of God.

Thanks for the wonderful and amazing adventure with you, guys.

It's now time for me to take another step to a very long chapter of my life. I know that someday, the things that happened to me here in Denmark will play a vital role on what i will become in the future. To all my relatives, friends, and to everyone that shared their life, thank you very much, 'cause that means a lot to me. I would also like to give thanks to the church i'd been a part of. They were a bunch of nice people who had become a family to me. I was welcomed with open arms from the first day, and i know, when one day i come back, they're still the loving people that i knew from the very start. More power to Copenhagen Community Church. And thanks to God, he lead me once again to follow the path of righteousness. Thanks to the life that i had here, even for a short, but a memorable, special time.

May God bless you all..


"If Life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show Life that you have a million reasons to smile"