Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Turning Back the Time...

What is it like to grow up - backwards?? I mean, your age still adds after every year, but, the different thing is, you look younger, physically...

Actually, i just watched the movie 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. And that was just the case in the movie... The main character gets older, but time and time, he looks younger --- and i mean younger... It kind of feels a little it akward to think about it, but, really, it did give me some questions in my mind, what if it can happen --- OR it DOES happen??
Sometimes in life, you forget about things, but there's still something that reminds you of everything that you've done in your life --- that you've forgot. Sometimes, you can't understand why such things happens on the time you least likely it would happen. AND why does everytime --- i mean, ÈVERYTIME, you regret not doing the things you should've done before?

You do things for good. Well, who doesn't want the outcome of everything that you do is good?? But sometimes, things happen that doesn't go according to the plan... It has other purposes. Maybe it could be dissapointing, maybe it could be heart-breaking, or it could be a life-changing experience. For me, for once in my life, i have realized the real essence of life. It really doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, what is your profession. What really matters is your real purpose in life. There are times that you want to achieve a lot things in a short span of time, still, you're not yet satisfied on what you've got. There are also times that you're always putting yourself on the brink of melting down, depressing yourself too much, then you realize, you're just making yourself stupid. Life is very simple. Other people says it, but they have a very complicated life... Then later on, they realize they've done everything wrong --- very, very wrong. You cannot turn back the time. It's only in the fantasy world where it happens.

We know that we can't predict what could happen in our future, so better make the most out of it. You don't want to not do the things you really love and then you'll painfully regret it so much that it could cause you depression. You don't want just wishing that you could have done things the way they're used to be... You wouldn't want to.. It's hard..


Polahola said...

haha. Finally a healthy blog to browse on. I've realized lotsa things from reading your post. How your life differs from mine.. keep it up! And keep posting