What the heck happened to you?
Once the hottest brand of social networking and considered as the pioneer of this platform, ahead of Myspace, Facebook and others. It was actually this website that launched me into the frenzied social life in cyberspace (well, i had Yahoo accounts even before i had a Friendster account, but that another matter..). I've been a member since early 2003 (that's how i recall it), and up to now, that account is still on active status.
I rarely see it nowadays. Before, it was something that i always look forward to visit in the internet, almost 24/7. Now? I barely even access their website. A lot of things have changed. And over the course of almost a decade, a lot of social networking sites rose to prominence, most notably, the one that took the whole world by storm, Facebook.
Facebook now sits atop among other social networking platforms, dethroning the once-mighty Friendster. But i didn't start this blog to write about Facebook. It's about Friendster, 'cause it was my "gateway" to the world of cyber-damn-space..
I was still a teenager (i'm not that old, though, hehe..) when my elder sister introduced me to Friendster. Back then, i'm such a newbie into everything about the internet, so my response to her is, "What the heck is Friendster?!!". She said, it's just like having friends from the real world, but this time, you do it virtually. You get to meet different people or get in touch with people you haven't seen for quite some time and so on.. So, me, being a nutcase that time, just sat in front of the computer and created my very first Friendster account ('cause in the next few years, i think i accumulated four more inactive accounts there..)
... And the rest was history.
For almost a decade, Friendster became a very important tool for me. It has been a witness to all my hardships, thriumps, struggles, sorrow, joy, etc.. It is the one that exposed my cerebral, rebellious years (i don't know if it really was cerebral, but i know it was very poisonous for my parents; me, being rebellious, hahaha!). It's also the birthplace of my passion for what i'm doing right now: blogging. I scanned through my past entries and they look so primitive (i mean, the way i write before) I suck badly and horribly at english back then (and i'm still not sure if i improved already..). During those years, Friendster is the only cyber network platform that's known to me. It has become my companion.
But, one day, Facebook came along.
And Friendster became a thing of the past.
What the heck happened to Friendster?
If i can recall it right, Friendster is the leading social networking site in Asia (UPDATE: they already lost that spot to Facebook because of the rapid growth and popularity throughout, not only Asia, but the whole damn world). But, that was when FS is the only known social media site. Now, i don't hear a single person who mentions FS (in fact, i haven't heard anyone mentioned FS for a long time now. It's juts me who brought up this topic). So, what the heck really happened to Friendster? Some people are labelling Friendster users "cheap", 'cause most of the people who said that are no longer FS users or never been affiliated to FS. Although i agree that Facebook is the hottest commodity right now, i beg to differ that Friendster users are "cheap". I know it's in our blood to be cheap, but i don't see anything cheap being a FS user. At least, from time to time, i still try my best to check out what's happening on the other side of cyber-socializing. It just hit me and started writing this blog 'cause no ones fussing about FS anymore. The sad reality is that, there's not so much interest looming around FS, so the main attraction now is FB. I actually came into a decision to deactivate my FS account, permanently. But then, i held myself back and just said that there's still good things FS can offer (although i'm not exploring those good things they can offer..).
One thing i noticed about FS is that they're flooded with posers. Well, i'm not saying that FB doesn't have it's own posers, but it's hard to interact with people who poses as an Hollywood celebrity or any popular individual in the world. For me, wasting my time with that kind of people is just a load of crap. So, the remedy FB came up is having a "Fan Page" for those people who were idolized by others. But, still posers are at large in the social networking community, and that's something i still yet to see get "cleaned up" by FS.
Even though FS is not the most hyped up thing unlike before, we have to give credit to FS for becoming the pioneers. If not for them, those other social media sites won't be possible or wouldn't be existing today. Friendster paved way for the modernization of socializing. Others followed through and, some of them (or to be more precise, one of them surpassed FS. We all know what that is), reached FS' goals. Not being disrespectful with the other social media sites, 'cause they had their ways to promote their platforms, but you can't help get them associated with FS, 'cause it's the one who started it all.
As i'm about to log-off now and take a rest, i was able to catch a glimpse of my FS account. It actually never changed. But, whenever i visit this site, i become very nostalgic. It reminds me of how much things have changed, but still good to look back from where you started. FS brings a lot of good and bad memories. Some of them are quite memorable, and some of them are the things that defines me. So, i give Friendster a credit for opening my eyes on how colorful, yet, brutal (brutal, eh? really?) the world of social networking is. Even though i'm more of a Facebook guy now, i don't disregard Friendster completely, 'cause it's the one who introduced ---
--- The new way to meet people.
(Friendster's first tag line)