"Yo' the man!"
I was down in front of the computer again to do my usual routines and eating my brunch at the same time (yeah, i didn't make time again for breakfast. Big deal) while surfing some videos from Youtube when i stumbled upon the videos of my favorite TV shows when i was a kid, Ultraman and Magmaman. I can't help but to feel nostalgic once again, reminiscing my happy-go-lucky days of childhood. I think i was in Grade one or in Grade two when i first saw the TV series, back when YouTube is just in it's creator's mind. And the first time i watched it, there's also a brewing typhoon that time (so, i'm guessing i watched it on 1991 or 1994, not so sure about that anymore..)
I consider Ultraman and Magmaman as one my childhood heroes. I never failed to watch a single episode of each of the shows, although to ask me now if i can name a single, significant episode is a bit unfair 'cause it's more than a decade ago since the last time i saw it on TV. I remember watching it on ABS-CBN before their current affairs show, "Hoy, Gising!". Then after i watched it, i'm trying to imitate them both. I'm making my own miniature buildings and environment to trash and destroy afterwards. I even use an ordinary ballpen and imagine it as those power-up thingys i used to see when they're transforming into their respective costumed-heroes. I dig Ultraman's outfit than Magmamans', although i like reckon the bloated eyes of Magmaman, like he was left in the water for days.
Lately, i haven't seen any show like these that came out (well, there was, but it's also the Ultraman franchise) that captured the kids' attention. We had so much cartoons today, but not as appealing as the ones who were produced in the 90's. Maybe, demographically speaking, the tempo just changed because of the viewer's demands.

The Eye-bloated super hero.
Even though times have changed and decades passed, it's still one of the things i would love to see all over again. But then i wonder: Aren't they gonna be Hollywood films one day?
Well, my argument seems to be too hollow and featherbrained, i can't help wonder why after all these years (and more than a decade, too), that it has yet to be immortalized on the big screen. As one of the avid fans of this show, i'm absolutely fantasizing about seeing them on the silver screen. But despite my enthusiasm, there may be other conflicting reasons why it has yet to grace the hollywood (reasons that i don't know). After all, Ultraman and Magmaman originally debuted in 1966 and 1973, respectively, so no one (maybe) in this current generation knows who the heck are they. But anyways, maybe one day it can be fulfilled, and i'll be the first ones to line up in the cinemas to watch it --- if, it ever happens.
So, as long as it yet to happen, it'll just stay as a fantasy.
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