I've been in different circumstances before. This current situation i have is no different from others. Facing life outside my homeland without my loved ones around me made it more difficult to move on with life, but it made me more defiant than ever before. Troubles, struggles, and problems were just my normal companions, so it's just natural for me to be hardened with the help of the environment i'm living with. I had my ups and downs, despite that, i'm still standing tall and proud. I just can't help ponder my future, where it's currently hanging in the balance, hanging by a thread.
I'm not thinking of it so much, however, i just can't stay away from being nullified. Yeah, i may only be 25 years old, but as time flies, so for opportunities too. I'm not being pessimistic, i just set my expectations for myself too high. So, whenever i wasn't able to obtain what i want, i feel terribly bad for myself. So much for having high expectations.
But on the bright side, as what i have said earlier, it made me hardened as a person - meaning, it tested my strongest attributes to it's limits: patience, perseverance, faith and sacrifice. Those virtues i talked about are the ones that's keeping my feet on the ground. Uncertainty is just the problem i'm focusing on right now, 'cause it may take forever to find answers to make it "certain".
For now, i just want to enjoy life. Hanging in the balance? Nah, it'll find it's own course one day (i mean, my own life course..). As much for being tired thinking too much, i have one solution that i know would be the best answer for all those mishaps...
... I'll go eat my heart out! Hehe..

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